
Content / Feature Requests

  • What will this initiative be referred to as? AKA 'Opportunity Portal Update' or 'New XYZ Website Page'
  • Please select the type of request.
  • If applicable, please indicate where this content or feature should reside.
  • When is the target date for the work going live?
    Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Please share any relevant references or competitive intel here.
  • If the initiative involves more than one Page or address, please indicate requested structure via basic outline here, or upload a sitemap below.
  • Accepted file types: doc, docx, xls, pdf.
  • Please describe any relevant audience notes. Who is the intended audience(s) and/or what is desired outcome?
  • Will this initiative require that visitors are able to register and/or create an account? If so, please describe what access or processes should be involved.
  • Does this request involve any specific functionality, whether custom or via 3rd party integration? Will any other data sources or websites be involved?
  • Any special considerations?
  • Will this initiative involve notifying either internal staff, visitors, or 3rd parties of any particular action or occurrence? This could encompass confirmations, thank you's, reminders, or staff alerts upon activity.
  • Does this initiative involve any reporting requirements? If so, please describe the activity or data to be tracked as well as the desired report format.
  • Please share any other directional information or content here. Use the below uploader to provide any further related documents.
  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, png, gif, pdf, doc, docx, xls.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


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New Orleans, LA 70113 | 504.934.4500