Val McKay, Managing Director, Smashing Boxes: Val McKay saw her adopted hometown of New Orleans rebound back to its vibrant, artistic identity after...
J. Lowry Curley, CEO, AxoSim Technologies: For AxoSim CEO J. Lowry Curley, New Orleans was the perfect place to launch his biotech startup. Curley and...
Charles Rice, CEO, Entergy New Orleans: Entergy CEO Charles Rice has a message for young entrepreneurs: New Orleans is open for business. “If you are...
Angela O’Byrne, FAIA, LEED AP, Architect/President, Perez APC: When Angela O’Byrne saw New Orleans’ resiliency after Hurricane Katrina, she reaffirmed...
Rick Tallant, Asset Manager, Shell Exploration and Production Company: Rick Tallant wanted to move to a city with tradition, culture and professional...